Yes. Wellspring Thoroughbreds is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Your contributions will be tax-deductible to the maximum extent of the law.
There are a number of excellent organizations that give retired racehorses a second career. This is an amazing cause and our vision is wider-reaching.
Whilst we are developing elite thoroughbreds to showcase the breed, our ultimate goal is to impact the lives of the many American riders who can not afford a Warmblood horse. To achieve this we plan to restore the “Thoroughbred” brand by selecting, training, and showcasing top-performing Thoroughbred’s, improving education and training and fostering new Thoroughbred competition classes and events. All of these activities will make Thoroughbred ownership more attractive, competitive,and fun.
See the Our Team section of this website for more information. If you have any questions, please use the Contact Us page.
We want to make equestrian sports affordable for as many riders as possible. We envision a more inclusive sport - one where equestrians can afford to compete and stay riding for longer.
This vision sees a sport where owners are better prepared to care for their Thoroughbred horses. Where an increasing number of competitors improve their emotional wellbeing by successfully competing in Thoroughbred-only events. Where younger riders and owners are inspired by the Thoroughbreds that are sucessful in the sport horse disciplines.
Please submit any questions or feedback to or go to our contact page.
Our vision is for a new community of riders whose lives are transformed through the joy and confidence that they get from owning and competing Thoroughbreds. Our activities will:
This is a game-changer for the vast majority of Equestrians whose ability to compete and love of horses is cut short due to the prohibitive costs of Warmblood ownership.
By increasing the awareness of equestrians to the great qualities Thoroughbreds offer as multi-discipline sport horses, thousands of retired race horses may be placed in second careers. Better welfare, care and training techniques will further benefit their wellbeing and extend their lifespan.
A significant number of employment opportunities may be created for those working with Thoroughbreds. These jobs include all the staff, trainers and coaches that rehabilitate/retrain OTTBs and educate their riders.
Our most immediate need is to fund the selection, training and showcasing of top-performing Thoroughbreds.
This includes the following funding opportunities:
To provide the best care for the horses, Wellspring Thoroughbreds spends some of your donations on animal care and welfare. Our general operations include just some of the following costs:
We can’t. Instead, we are working closely with the Racehorse industry to acquire OTTBs with the potential to become elite competitors. Their generosity allows us to purchase these horses at a nominal cost.
Your funds help us acquire, rehabilitate, retrain and rehome these amazing horses. Some will make it to the elite levels, showcase the breed and inspire future Thoroughbred owners.
For the vast majority of riders who must compete with Warmbloods, placing or winning competitions is a significant challenge. Thoroughbred-specific classes and competitions will increase the competitiveness of Thoroughbreds and their riders. It is our vision that there will eventually be a Thoroughbred-only circuit, which will provide a healthy competitive environment.
Our goal is to provide the market with Thoroughbreds that have the ability to win competitions and promote Thoroughbred ownership. We expect Warmbloods to continue to win major events at the highest levels for the foreseeable future. However, Thoroughbreds will become more competitve over time as their availability, training and riders improve.
We expect that the private sector will create the Thoroughbred competition circuit. Consequently, this is outside the immediate funding needs of WellSpring Thoroughbreds.